



WHO口腔保健プログラム 主任 P.E.ペターソン  
WHO 慢性疾患とヘルスプロモーション部





Prevention of dental caries through the effective use of fluorides

Dear colleagues, dear supporters of public health, dear friends of health for all through use of fluorides. Over the past decades, significant achievements in the prevention of dental caries have been made in several industrialized countries, notably related to the effective use of fluorides In 1945, Grand Rapids, Michigan, became a pioneer city in public health, when it became the first city in the world to fluoridate its drinking water to optimal level for preventing tooth decay. Substantial and sound experience about the benefits of water fluoridation has been gained in the United States of America and later in other countries over the past many years. Some important lessons learned are;  Firstly, if a communities’ water supply is fluoride deficient, bringing it to the recommended low level in drinking water, fluoride helps prevent tooth decay.  Secondly, water fluoridation is a community health measure that benefits children and adults, regardless of social economic status or ethnic background and not just for those with access to dental care.  Thirdly, fluoride is safe and effective public health measure when used and consumed properly.  Lastly, fluoridation is considered beneficial by the overwhelming majority of scientific and health communities, in the U.S. and the world over. Being the international authority in public health, The World Health Organization, years ago recognized community water fluoridation as the most important measure for the control of dental caries.  This has been expressed in several world health assembly resolutions.  In 2004, based on systematic reviews of the scientific experience, WHO re-emphasized the need for effective use of fluorides by countries in the 21st century, including water fluoridation whenever possible.  On the occasion of the celebration of sixty years of water fluoridation in the United States, the WHO congratulates the U.S. Public Health Authorities, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, The American Dental Association, and the research community by the significant achievements in controlling dental caries as regards theU.S. population. On the behalf of WHO oral health program in Geneva, I take the opportunity of expressing my sincere hopes for successful accomplishment of the Healthy People 2010 target of at least 75% of the U.S. population being served by optimally fluoridated water systems by the year 2010.
Thank you very much.